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"The Best way to predict the future is to create it."
~Peter Drucker

We Are Passionate About Inspiring

& Mentoring Others

We are living in fast changing times coupled with uncertainty and trepidation.  No one knows for sure when this pandemic will be over and many are uncertain they are going to be able to make a living in the future.


This is downright scary but it is now our reality and we have no choice but to find a way to navigate this new reality we all find ourselves in.


Those who think outside the box are going to have a big advantage over those that continue to stay stuck in yesterday’s thinking.  This is just a plain and simple fact.  Just look around and see that things are not what they used to be and will never be the same again.  Who could have thought that the entire world economy could be shut down much less as quickly and completely as it has. We will survive and move on but not like we used to and those of us that are early adapter to this new reality stand the best chance of carving out a new way of succeeding on their terms.


We have chosen to align with Forsage because it is a new innovative, outside the box business concept that is affordable, 100% transparent, scam-free and can provide fast results! 


It’s crowdfunding 5.0 and like the blockchain it relies on “proof of work”.  With crypto-currency, mining is the proof of work.  In Forsage your ability to attract and connect others to your crowdfunding cause and teaching them how to do the same for their cause will be paramount to the degree of your success.







With Forsage, you are not left by yourself in open-water at the mercy of sharks but are a part of a community of like-minded people, who are all working to better themselves and those around them.  There is an easy, efficient road map to follow and there is room for everyone to succeed.  Of course like in everything else in life, those that put more time and effort in their Forsage business will become more successful.


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